Currently, COP 27 is being held in Egypt, which brings together politicians, climate activists and civil society representatives and aims to act on a multitude of key issues to address the climate emergency.
One of the challenges of this Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the preservation of natural resources, including marine biodiversity. For this, it is expected following this meeting to reach 30% of land and marine protection by 2030, against 10% today. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are one of the tools put in place to achieve this. Oryx is proud to be able to contribute to these changes and is currently conducting a study on Senegal's marine protected areas. We are particularly interested in the development of the heritage and natural resources of the Sine Saloum and Casamance MPAs, by characterizing the E&S stakes through field investigations and a strong involvement of the communities in the reflection.