Realization of transect/recreation campaigns and photographic traps within the framework of inventories and monitoring of biodiversity, biostatistical processing of the collected data in order to obtain results of high scientific quality allowing clients to take stock of the conservation issues to be taken into account.
Realization of a genetic monitoring mission of West African chimpanzee communities: collection of faeces, conservation protocol, laboratory analysis to identify individuals, and analysis of the spatial occupation of the territory, of the groups, of the genetic links between groups, in order to define adapted monitoring and compensation programs.
Production of Biodiversity Management Plans including Critical Habitat Analyses (CHA).
Design or Review for upgrading to IFC international standards of the physical and biological environment components of the ESIAs (Review of the initial states, impacts, mitigation measures, and monitoring procedures included in the ESMP) of several large industrial infrastructure programs (mining, hydraulic, energy, agroindustrial). The studies include the elaboration of the detailed TOR, the realization of the detailed ESIA of the sites, including the ESMP and the occupational health and safety plan, the realization of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan, including the various detailed reports of the public consultations and the complaints management mechanism and the realization of the CSR action plan, as well as the drafting of the community development plan and the EBA.
Design and launch of Action Plans for the management of Biodiversity, focused on the conservation of classified species that induce the notion of critical habitats with regard to the SFI performance standards. These action plans integrate all the intervention axes and conditions for the good conservation of species and their habitats, with the notion of information/awareness; protection/management/control/economic development and community inclusion; revision of local governance and stakeholder involvement. A component is developed to maintain the notion of ecological continuity of critical reforestation environments.