Sébastien OLICHON

Gérant associé – Président

CEO - Environmental Project Director

Holder of a DESS (Bac+5) in Management of agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in tropical zones from the University of Paris - Val-de-Marne (Paris XII) and a Master's degree in biology of populations and ecosystems (Rennes I), Sébastien has a professional experience of nearly 25 years in developing countries (sub-Saharan Africa, Maghreb, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, OCT) in the sector of rural and community development, as well as in the environment.

Its expertise is proven at the level of the procedures of the main donors (EU/FED, AFD, WB/IFC, etc.), in particular through the implementation and/or monitoring/evaluation of international development projects and programs in the form of high-level technical assistance, via for example several experiences in support of the National Authorizing Officer of the European Development Fund.
He has also supervised/carried out numerous missions for the private sector (energy sector and extractive / mining sector) in the framework of ESIA, ESMP, RAP, biological/physical environment inventories, socio-economic studies, value chain/industry studies, strategic studies, Protected Areas, etc.

Managing Director of Oryx Expertise, in addition to his involvement in the coordination of the office's activities and in the development of the company, he continues to be involved in projects, providing his expertise to support clients and teams.

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