Directeur de projets - Inventaires biodiversité

Biodiversity Project Manager / Ecologist / Ornithologist

Simon Cavaillès is an ecologist specializing in fauna and flora inventories and monitoring, with 15 years of professional experience abroad, particularly in Africa. Passionate naturalist, he has trained through his various personal, professional and associative experiences in contact with experienced biologists and naturalists in many European countries, Central Asia and Africa. He graduated with a Master's degree from the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. He is passionate about nature conservation issues in Africa and contributes to the development of knowledge on the biology and distribution of bird species in West Africa.

If ornithology is his core business, Simon now supervises biodiversity studies in their entirety within Oryx by creating methodologies, coordinating field inventories and participating in the drafting of various study reports, from biodiversity inventories to ESIAs, ESMPs and BAPs. He is familiar with the study techniques of the taxonomic groups usually studied in the framework of regulatory studies: mammals, reptiles and amphibians, aquatic fauna, botany and is interested in entomology through the study of Syrphidae diptera.

Simon has been working for 7 years in Africa on projects following international environmental standards, notably IFC/IFC Performance Standard 6. In addition to basic fauna and flora studies, Simon is involved in specific studies of priority species for conservation and critical habitats, including Great Apes (chimpanzee and gorilla population size estimates, population monitoring, etc.).

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