Thanks to its territorial location and flexibility, Oryx expertise offers its clients adapted and integrated services throughout the African continent and worldwide.
Project to build and operate 4 photovoltaic power plants
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for a project to build and operate 4 photovoltaic power plants in Benin at Bohicon, Parakou, Natitingou and Djougou - GREENYELLOW -07/2021 to 03/2022
Completion of an in-depth ESIA and ESMP for the four solar power plant sites in Bohicon, Parakou, Natitingou and Djougou, in accordance with national regulations and IFC's environmental and social policies.
Climate change adaptation project
Design and implementation of a monitoring-evaluation and cartographic/GIS data management system for the Atakora climate change adaptation project - environment, land and agriculture component - AFC -03/2021 to 07/2021
Design of a monitoring-evaluation tool that is fully operational and ready for use by the beneficiaries of the project, who will be responsible for monitoring-evaluating the various phases of the project over time, and thus for making the tool their own.
Environmental and anthropological studies of the Porto Novo lagoon
Porto Novo ville verte project, including biodiversity baseline in dry and rainy seasons - AFD/Mairie de Porto Novo -07/2019 to 01/2020
Environmental and anthropological studies of the Porto Novo lagoon, including identification and characterization of gaps between national legislation and IFC/IFC - World Bank performance standards, biological inventories and identification of sensitive species (IUCN Red List) and critical habitats (IFC/SFI PS6), production of the environmental study and updating of the Ramsar record for the area.
Ganvié lake village drinking water supply project
Revision of the ESIA and ESMP for the Ganvié lake village and lagoon drinking water supply project (Ramsar/IUCN site).
Pre-feasibility study of the Port Autonome de Cotonou (PAC) wind power project
Biodiversity studies to identify areas where the project would be excluded from the port site and to identify potentially sensitive species. Identification of environmental risks and initial potential impacts at the feasibility stage.
Mapping of the site and networks (gas, electricity, water, telephone, etc.) and landscape approach to the project.
Climate change adaptation project
Design of a monitoring-evaluation tool that is fully operational and ready to be used by the beneficiaries of the project, who will be responsible for carrying out the monitoring-evaluation of the different phases of the project over time and therefore for making the tool their own.
Ganvié lake village drinking water supply project
Revision of the ESIA and ESMP for the Ganvié lake village and lagoon drinking water supply project (Ramsar/IUCN site).
Pre-feasibility study of the Port Autonome de Cotonou (PAC) wind power project
Biodiversity studies to identify areas where the project would be excluded from the port site and to identify potentially sensitive species. Identification of environmental risks and initial potential impacts at the feasibility stage.
Mapping of the site and networks (gas, electricity, water, telephone, etc.) and landscape approach to the project.
Projet de lutte contre la Malaria
As part of the malaria control program via the introduction of sterilized male mosquitoes into the natural environment in the pilot area (7 villages south of Bobo Dioulasso), Imperial College London mobilized a team of consultants to conduct an ESIA to SFI standards in the project area. The Oryx teams are in charge of the scientific follow-up of the study for the environmental component, the physical and biological baseline in both seasons, the impact analysis, the mitigation measures, the ESMP and the BMP of the study.
Analysis of air, water and noise quality
Review of the report from the Performance Engineering firm concerning the analysis of air, water and noise quality in the vicinity of the heap leach site. Checking of the report upgrade, in particular with regard to the SFI and WHO standards. Provided recommendations for actions to be taken for the 3 inhabited leases located in the vicinity of the heap leach site.
Support for the Burkina Faso Land Registry
Support for the Burkina Faso Land Registry in the communes of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso-LuxDev-12/2023 to 06/2024
Oryx Expertise was asked to support the PCF project by analyzing the choice of modalities, focusing on the logical framework of the intervention's support and the complementarity between the APO and the activities carried out in-house to achieve the expected results; and Examining current progress, particularly in relation to the objectives identified as part of the strategies for maximizing efficiency and effectiveness.
Projet Zandkom
Réalisation de l’Étude d’Impact environnemental et Sociale (EIES) et le Plan d’Action de Réinstallation (PAR) du projet aurifère de Zandkom, la conception et une mise en œuvre appropriées du PAR afin que le groupe Nordgold puisse obtenir la licence environnementale.
Gaoua hospital project
Technical assistance in implementing the ESMP's environmental and health & safety measures. Preparation of the monitoring plan for the physical environment (air, noise, soil and water) during the construction phase, followed by follow-up; preparation of the reforestation plan and follow-up; analysis of the management plans associated with the ESMP (traffic, waste, water, health and safety, etc.); consulting support for compliance with current international standards (BM/SFI).
MV3 gold project
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the MV3 gold project - West African Resources (WAF) -08/2022 to 06/2023
Comprehensive studies covering environmental, socio-economic, cultural and health aspects, and any other specialized studies required to characterize baseline conditions in line with IFC performance standards. Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) reflecting the level of engagement required for the nature of the project, its social context and legal requirements for public participation, consultation and disclosure.
Analysis of air, water and noise quality
Review of the report by Bureau d'études Performances on the analysis of air, water and noise quality in the vicinity of the heap leaching site. Check that the report is up to date, particularly with regard to SFI and WHO standards. Formulation of recommendations concerning measures to be taken for the 3 inhabited concessions located near the heap leaching site.
Ronguen gold project
Updated ESIA and RAP for the Ronguen gold project drafted in 2015, including consideration of environmental and social impacts, proposed mitigation measures for negative impacts and enhancement measures for positive impacts.
World Bank
Roles of environmentalist and head of the panel of experts in support of the PMU in charge of the Sanaga River hydroelectric development plan. Revision and upgrading of studies and DUE Environmental due diligence, monitoring and control missions, environmental validations of dam projects, etc.
Yeke Oko Project
Mid-term evaluation of the Yéké Oko project financed by AFD in CAR and Cameroon, via a humanitarian grant fund to care for refugees from the Central African conflict on both sides of the border.
Technical Assistance Project on the Sanaga River
Pilotage du Panel d’experts Environnementaux et Sociaux de la Banque Mondiale pour appuyer le ministère de l’Eau et de l’Energie (MINEE) et le PATDHS dans le cadre de ses activités de suivis des principaux projets de barrages sur le fleuve Sanaga et ses affluents (Lom Pangar, Nachtigal, Kikot, Grand Eweng, Mbakaou, etc.
Missions régulières de suivi sur le terrain des sites de barrages et des zones de compensation, et études de Due Diligence aux normes internationales (NES) de l’ensemble des rapports et études environnementales et sociales produites sur ces projets.
High Voltage Line project
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the 115 kV transmission line project between Baray substation and Steung Trang substation and between Kratie substation and Preak Prasob substation, rural electrification and battery energy storage system. Scoping, field inventories of the biological and physical environment, impact analysis, mitigation measures (ESMP) and monitoring plan.
Brazzaville stormwater management project
Upgrading of the ESIA and ESMP of the project for the environmental component (physical and biological environment). Scoping, inventories/initial field survey in both seasons, water-air-noise-vibration modeling, impact study, mitigation measures, ESMP.
Fortuna Silver Mine – RoxGold
Analyse des documents et des études environnementales réalisées sur le projet aurifère de Séguéla (RCI), afin d’identifier les potentielles lacunes selon les normes de performance de la SFI, et particulièrement au regarde de la Norme de Performance n°6 (NP6) qui définit la notion « d’habitat critique » au regard de la des enjeux de biodiversité. L’étude a consisté à définir la cartographier les sites classés pour leur valeur de biodiversité dans la zone d’emprise du projet ; caractériser le niveau qualitatif et quantitatif des études de base relatives à la biodiversité et définir le gap ; lister les espèces prioritaires pour la conservation ; identifier le besoin éventuel d’études complémentaires et leur dimensionnement ; évaluer la potentialité de déclenchement d’habitat critique pour les espèces retenues ; matérialiser la potentialité des habitats naturels et leurs caractéristiques ; classer l’ensemble des recommandations liées à la conservation de la biodiversité dans le but d’une mise aux normes et du respects de la NP6-IFC.
ESIA, ESMP of the Yopougon urban sanitation project
Upgrading of the ESIA and ESMP of the Yopougon and Ebrié Lagoon urban sanitation project in Côte d'Ivoire, so that these reports comply with current international requirements (reference to the World Bank's NES). Review of the initial statements, impacts, mitigation measures, and monitoring procedures included in the ESMP.
Groupe DUVAL – Insuco
Management of the environmental, HSE and Edge / carbon certification aspects of the DFI within the framework of a DUE Diligence mission relating to the urban development project of the Duval Group's commercial center/hotel/housing, on the St Paul site in Abidjan.
Scoping study for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Completion of the scoping study for the 130 km pipeline project between Diabou and Nieky on the western outskirts of Abidjan, with a view to sizing the project's ESIA. The mission consists of a field study for the environmental component (physical and biological environment), a bibliographical study and an analysis of variants.
Human Ecology Consulting Global
Management of census databases and optimization of data entry software for the MCA program. Partnership with Human Ecology Consulting Global Inc.
Mid-term review of the Atinkou Biodiversity
Mid-term review of the implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) and the project's impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Due Diligence environnementale et sociale
Analysis of documents and environmental studies carried out on the Séguéla gold project (RCI), in order to identify potential shortcomings according to IFC performance standards, particularly with regard to Performance Standard No. 6 (PS6).
Saint-Paul urban development project
Management of the environmental, HSE and Edge/carbone certification aspects of DFI's DUE Diligence assignment for Groupe Duval's urban development project (shopping center/hotel/housing) on the Saint-Paul site in Abidjan.
Yopougon urban sanitation project
Upgrading of the ESIA and ESMP of the Yopougon and Lagune Ebrié urban sanitation project in Côte d'Ivoire. Revision of the initial states, impacts, mitigation measures and monitoring procedures included in the ESMP.
Fortuna Silver Mine – RoxGold
Analyse des documents et des études environnementales réalisées sur le projet aurifère de Séguéla (RCI), afin d’identifier les potentielles lacunes selon les normes de performance de la SFI, et particulièrement au regarde de la Norme de Performance n°6 (NP6) qui définit la notion « d’habitat critique » au regard de la des enjeux de biodiversité. L’étude a consisté à définir la cartographier les sites classés pour leur valeur de biodiversité dans la zone d’emprise du projet ; caractériser le niveau qualitatif et quantitatif des études de base relatives à la biodiversité et définir le gap ; lister les espèces prioritaires pour la conservation ; identifier le besoin éventuel d’études complémentaires et leur dimensionnement ; évaluer la potentialité de déclenchement d’habitat critique pour les espèces retenues ; matérialiser la potentialité des habitats naturels et leurs caractéristiques ; classer l’ensemble des recommandations liées à la conservation de la biodiversité dans le but d’une mise aux normes et du respects de la NP6-IFC.
AFD – Insuco
Upgrading of the ESIA and ESMP of the Yopougon and Ebrié Lagoon urban sanitation project in Côte d'Ivoire, so that these reports comply with current international requirements (reference to the World Bank's NES). Review of the initial statements, impacts, mitigation measures, and monitoring procedures included in the ESMP.
Groupe DUVAL – Insuco
Management of the environmental, HSE and Edge / carbon certification aspects of the DFI within the framework of a DUE Diligence mission relating to the urban development project of the Duval Group's commercial center/hotel/housing, on the St Paul site in Abidjan.
High-voltage power line project
WORLD BANK - ESD - Insuco Djibouti -10/2021 to 02/2022
Revision and upgrading of study reports for the physical and biological environment component, as part of bringing the ESIA and ESMP of the high-voltage power line project between Ethiopia and Djibouti up to World Bank standards. Production of a Biodiversity Management Plan including a Critical Habitat Analysis (CHA).
Office de Génie Écologique
Etude des communautés de syrphes sur deux sites de la Meuse : inventaire des diptères Syrphidae sur deux sites pour évaluer la fonctionnalité des habitats selon la méthode Syrph the Net. Cette méthode permet, à travers la comparaison de la liste d’espèces prédites pour le site selon la localisation biogéographique et les habitats présents avec la liste d’espèces effectivement présentes, de mettre en avant les éventuels dysfonctionnements fonctionnels des habitats.
Within the framework of the Landscape Business Park Project developed by PRONIER PROMOTION :
– réalisation d’une étude de la fonctionnalité de la zone humide du site du projet et mission de conseil/assistance auprès des équipes techniques du Client pour optimiser le projet tout en réduisant au maximum les impacts sur la zone humide ;
– réalisation du Dossier de Déclaration Loi sur l’Eau ;
– dimensionnement des mesures compensatoires (planning de mise en œuvre, précisions sur les mesures envisagées pour compenser les pertes de biodiversité, description des interventions/travaux envisagés, coûts estimés, description des mesures de gestion future et des indicateurs de réussite…).
Oryx assure le suivi ornithologique dans le cadre d’une étude environnementale diagnostique d’un projet éolien. Au cours des saisons à venir, l’avifaune fréquentant la zone du projet sera étudiée à chaque saison afin d’identifier les enjeux concernant les espèces nicheuses, migratrices et hivernantes. Différentes méthodes d’inventaires seront combinées pour couvrir toute la diversité d’oiseaux présente : comptage de la migration active depuis un point fixe, parcours pédestres dans les différents habitats présents, réalisation d’Indices Ponctuels d’Abondance.
Monitoring of bird and chiropteran mortality
Weekly mortality monitoring on two active wind turbines to estimate bird and chiroptera mortality. Mortality monitoring transects at two wind turbines. Estimation of corpse detection efficiency.
Syrphidae survey at two sites
As part of the biodiversity monitoring carried out by ANDRA's Observatoire pérenne de l'environnement, a study on hoverflies was carried out to inventory this taxonomic group at two study sites in the communes of Bure and Montiers-sur-Saulx, and to carry out a Syrph the Net analysis to analyze habitat functionality.
Avifauna study
Inventory and monitoring of avifauna at the wind farm project site and surrounding area. The inventory was carried out over 4 seasons and included breeding, wintering and migratory birds. The forests surrounding the project area were surveyed during the nesting season to look for heritage nesters (MAR woodpecker, Hen Harrier, European nightjar, etc.). The trajectories of birds flying at wind turbine blade height were mapped.
Study of wetland functionality
Carried out a study of the functionality of the wetland on the project site and provided advice/assistance to the customer's technical teams to optimize the project while minimizing the impact on the wetland as part of the Landscaped Business Park Project developed by PRONIER PROMOTION.
Inventaire des mammifères terrestres sur un site forêt-savane
Mise en place du plan de caméra trap et encadrement des inventaires de terrain des moyens et grands mammifères avec une attention particulière sur les populations de grands singes (Gorilles et chimpanzés) sur les concessions forestières de Maurel. Analyse des bases de données terrain, réalisation des travaux biostatistiques et production d’un rapport de la biodiversité comprenant les travaux de saison sèche et les travaux de saison des pluies dans cette zone de forêt et savane de 31 600 ha.
Supervision of the ecological monitoring
Medium and large mammal survey, field work, data analysis and biostatistical processing to meet IFC performance standards in the ESIA of GENMIN's Baniaka project in Gabon.
Supervision of ecological monitoring work on CBG's forest concession
Transect/recruit and camera trap campaign to inventory and monitor biodiversity in a 70,000 ha forest concession (equatorial environment). Biostatistical processing of collected data.
Study of great ape populations (chimpanzees and gorillas)
Complementary studies on the Central African Chimpanzee (EN - IUCN) and the Western Lowland Gorilla (CR - IUCN) as part of the complementary studies to the ESIA/PGES of two hydroelectric dam projects and their upgrades (IFC/ADB standards).
Survey of mammals
As part of the biodiversity monitoring of the BSO forest concession, Bureau TEREA was called in to carry out biodiversity inventories of medium and large mammals. TEREA mobilized the Oryx support teams to supervise the work, analyze the camera-trap and baseline field data, and write the dedicated study report.
Supervision of ecological monitoring work on CBG's forest concession
Transect/recruit and camera trap campaign to inventory and monitor biodiversity in a 70,000 ha forest concession (equatorial environment). Biostatistical processing of collected data.
SMD – Insuco
ESIA and ESMP (environmental component related to the physical and biological environment) of the SMD underground mine project in the gold sector in northeastern Guinea. Scoping, inventories/initial field survey in both seasons, water-air-noise-vibration modeling, impact study, mitigation measures, ESMP.
L’étude comprend :
-Une description du projet : Informations générales, raison de la demande, description du projet y compris ses objectifs, sa justification, sa localisation, les activités à entreprendre, les spécificités techniques, les infrastructures à mettre en place si nécessaire ;
-Une analyse de l’état initial du site et de son environnement : Synthèse du milieu physique, biologique, humain et des contraintes environnementales majeures ;
-Une évaluation des conséquences de la mise en œuvre du programme d’exploration sur le site et son environnement naturel et humain, y compris les Type des rejets (eau, air, bruit, déchets), les exigences légales dans lesquelles il s’inscrit ;
-Un PGES, qui énonce et décrit les mesures envisagées pour éviter, réduire ou compenser l’impact du projet sur l’environnement, y compris les impacts résiduels, et estimation des coûts correspondants.
Study on the structuring and development conditions of the poultry industry
Poultry expertise to analyze the development potential of (i) a Guinean broiler sector, (ii) a laying hen sector and (iii) the potential and conditions for local production of poultry feed in Guinea. Bibliographical review, diagnosis of the sectors (production, training and animal health), support in defining phase 2 of PEFFAG.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the construction of two 225 kV high-voltage lines
Scoping note and ESIA for the dual project to build 225 KV high-voltage lines in lower Guinea, known as "La Côtière". A 180 km line between Boké and Gaoual, and a 90 km line between Boffa and Yassiya + construction/extension of related substations and access roads.
Karita gold project
E&S impact statement for the exploration phase of the project. Scoping mission, production of the NIES Terms of Reference and client support with the Guinean Environment Agency, succinct environmental and social field baseline, drafting of the NIES for the exploration phase.
Léro-Léfa underground mine project
ESIA and ESMP (environmental component related to the physical and biological environment) for SMD's underground mine project in the gold mining sector of northeastern Guinea. Scoping, inventories/initial field survey in two seasons, water-air-noise-vibration modeling, impact study, mitigation measures, ESMP.
AKUO Energy – Finasshuman
Biodiversity studies of chiropterans and avian fauna in both seasons, on the site and in the project buffer zone, to define the initial state of the ESIA.
Henrietta wind farm project
Biodiversity studies of chiropterans and avian fauna in both seasons on the site and in the project buffer zone, to define the initial state of the ESIA.
Ex-post evaluation of the BV lac
Ex-post evaluation of AFD's BV Lac II project in Madagascar, including identification and characterization of the project's achievements in the Lake Alaotra area, assessment of the level of environmental preservation in the watersheds, an update on the functionality of land tenure offices, the operation and structuring of producer groups and technical support services, and assessment of the level of operation of infrastructure management and watershed development organizations (rice industry, agroforestry, market gardening).
Evaluation of the ARSF land tenure and local development project in Madagascar
Carrying out an ex-post evaluation of the development project linked to the implementation of land tenure reform and security in Madagascar, including an informed, argued and balanced assessment of the results obtained by the ARSF project, as of the date the evaluation was carried out.
Genetic ecological monitoring of the chimpanzee population
Genetic analysis of around 100 faecal samples collected in the field, enabling laboratory analysis to identify a number of unique individuals, as well as determining the number of males and females in this group.
Definition of an operational strategy for farm advisory services
Identify the key elements of a national Mauritanian Agro-Pastoral Capitalization (CAP) system to formulate strategic orientations based on concerted choices, which can be promoted in national programs and those of technical and financial partners.
Zouérate gold processing center and urban area
Completion of an ESIA, ESMP and PEPP for the Zouérate gold mining and processing center. Preparation of a National Reference Study for the implementation of the environmental strategy for gold mining activities.
Water component of the Zouérate gold processing center
Completion of the "water" component of the ESIA for the Zouerate gold processing center, including a hydrological study, preparation of flood zone maps, analysis of soil (sedimentary zones) and water quality, and research into mercury pollution, with a view to drafting the "Water" section of the ESIA and ESMP.
National strategic environmental assessment of the artisanal gold mining sector
Completion of the National Strategic Environmental Assessment of the artisanal gold mining sector in Mauritania via the evaluation of the national policy. Completion of the E&S study on the Inchiri gold panning sites and the Chami gold processing center (including studies in the town of Chami and in the communities of the Banc d'Arguin MPA).
Hydroelectric dam project
Due Diligence concerning the environmental and social aspects of a major hydroelectric dam project on the Zambezi River and its 850 km of dedicated high-voltage power lines, in order to assess the environmental risks and obtain an in-depth gap analysis concerning the need to bring the studies already carried out (ESIA/PGES) up to international standards (SFI Standards), and reduce the project's impacts.
Ellipse Projects – Insuco
Participation à la rédaction de la note de cadrage « pré-EIES » sur les volets milieu physique et milieu biologique du projet de construction d’un hôpital privé (site de 10 ha) à Eko Atlantic City (Lagos). Analyse des études précédentes menées dans le cadre du projet de l’île Eko Atlantic City en 2012 et 2014. Identification des principaux enjeux du milieu biophysique et formulation de recommandations pour la réalisation d’une EIES.
Project to build a hospital in Eko Atlantic City
Note de cadrage "pré-EIES" sur les volets milieu physique et milieu biologique du projet de construction d'un hôpital privé (site de 10 ha) à Eko Atlantic City (Lagos). Analysis of previous studies carried out for the Eko Atlantic City island project in 2012 and 2014. Identification of the main issues for the biophysical environment and formulation of recommendations for an ESIA.
Mise à jour du PGSES initial de 2011, en intégrant les résultats des récentes études complémentaires (réalisées par SLR), afin de le rendre conforme aux exigences de la Banque mondiale. Le nouveau PGSES doit présenter une liste précise d’actions, présenter les structures responsables de chaque activité (entité par entité) et proposer un plan de travail fonctionnel et un budget dédié.
Keyal Khwar hydroelectric dam project
Updating of the ESMP, E&S Monitoring Plan and upgrading to international standards (World Bank Ref NES) for the Keyal Khwar hydroelectric dam project in northeastern Pakistan, on behalf of Agence Française de Développement, co-financed with KFW. Oryx's environmentalists were mobilized to carry out this work to World Bank standards, but also through the mobilization of their safety manager to supervise the field mission in the red zone.
Papua New Guinea
Evaluation of the effort to reduce the ecological footprint
Review of efforts to effectively reduce/minimize the project's physical footprint during the pre-FED phase.
Central African Republic
AFD - International Red Cross - TEREA
Mid-term evaluation of the I Yeke Oko project financed by AFD in CAR and Cameroon via a humanitarian grant fund to care for refugees from the Central African conflict on both sides of the border. Areas assessed: rural and forestry development, environment, local development, income-generating activities, basic social services, vulnerable populations/gender approach.
The overall objective of this service is to initiate and define a functional and comprehensive M&E system for DEVRUR II. This system is made available to the implementation team. It is built on the basis of a monitoring matrix and data collection (ODK) / processing tool (online digital database) to ensure a quality system throughout the program.
ORYX updated the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Policy Framework for the rural interconnectivity project, which aims to develop 552 km of national road between Ndélé and Birao to bypass the Manovo Gounda St Floris National Park, but also to connect to the Sudanese border via a 60 km extension from Birao, and to develop a 430 km network of rural roads throughout the Vakaga region. Oryx experts carried out the initial studies and are now updating the project following the latest developments in its organization.
E&S Management Plan and Resettlement Action Plan
Completion of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, the Environmental and Social Management Plan and the Relocation Action Plan for the rural interconnection road route in the Central African Republic between the towns of Ndélé and Birao. These studies enabled us to refine and validate the route through the protected Manovo-Gounda St. Floris National Park, and to evaluate alternatives (including a bypass), taking into account the challenges of conserving remarkable species and environments.
Ex-post evaluation of the PDRSO local development and decentralization project
Completion of the final evaluation of the integrated development project for the South-West via an intervention axis combining forestry development and local development, including rural land management, including an informed, argued and balanced assessment of the results obtained by the PDRSO, at the date of completion of the evaluation.
Baseline study and monitoring-evaluation system
Monitoring and evaluation system functional and complete, then made available to the project implementation team. Monitoring matrix, data collection tool (ODK)/data processing (online digital database).
Democratic Republic of Congo
Évaluation du Projet Agricole Rural et de Conservation du Complexe de la Salonga (PARRCS) –
Analysis of agricultural and community development actions in the peripheral zone of the National Park, and evaluation of conservation activities conducted in the Park. Formulation of recommendations for future support.
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) Garamba
Parc National de la Garamba (PNG), a UNESCO World Heritage Site located on the northeastern edge of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), on the border with Southern Sudan, is one of Africa's oldest and most important national parks. As part of the implementation of its sustainable development program for local communities living in the hunting grounds and riparian zone, Garamba Park has asked the Oryx team to carry out the ESMP. The aim of the assignment is to draw up an environmental and social management plan (ESMP) for Garamba National Park.
L’objectif de la mission est l’élaboration d’un plan de gestion environnemental et sociale (PGES) pour le Parc National de la Garamba.
Project to build an industrial zone on a wetland/riverbank
Mobilization of a team of ichthyologists and ornithologists to carry out an inventory of biodiversity on the project site and its buffer zone (in particular the Congo River due to a wharf/dock project). Production of biodiversity reports, analysis of impacts on biodiversity and mitigation measures, contribution to the ESMP. Phase 1, carried out at this stage (rainy season), is the subject of an additional study in the dry season by the client, mobilizing a full team of specialists (herpetologist, macro-invertebrates, etc.) + an analysis of critical habitats in accordance with IFC NP6 to bring them up to international standards
Brazzaville stormwater management project
Upgrade of the project's ESIA and ESMP for the environmental component (physical and biological environments).
Final evaluation of the PARRCS project
Evaluation of the Projet agricole rural et de Conservation du Complexe de la Salonga (PARRCS) - 15 M EUR financed by the 11th EDF of the EU analysis of agricultural and community development actions in the peripheral zone of the National Park + evaluation of conservation activities carried out in the National Park. Formulation of recommendations for future support.
Project to build an industrial zone on a wetland/riverbank
Mobilization of a team of ichthyologists and ornithologists to carry out an inventory of biodiversity on the project site and its buffer zone (in particular the Congo River due to a wharf/dock project). Production of biodiversity reports, analysis of impacts on biodiversity and mitigation measures, contribution to the ESMP. Phase 1, carried out at this stage (rainy season), is the subject of an additional study in the dry season by the client, mobilizing a full team of specialists (herpetologist, macro-invertebrates, etc.) + an analysis of critical habitats in accordance with IFC NP6 to bring them up to international standards
Complementary studies Biodiversity Action Plan
As part of a vast reforestation project in the Congo, we carried out additional biodiversity inventories, including photo trapping and eDNA. Analysis of critical habitats. Gap analysis on the "impacts" chapter of the ESIA. Environmental and social management plan, study of residual impacts to define compensation strategies. Preparation of the Biodiversity Action Plan and Biodiversity Management Plan. World Bank standards (NES).
Gap analysis and PAES of a reforestation program
Inventory and analyze available data on the project and its peripheral zone, draw up an inventory of additional environmental data to be acquired to meet national and WB requirements, propose an action plan, define a strategy/roadmap for 2023 and propose terms of reference for a Biodiversity Management Plan. World Bank standards (NES).
Analyse comportementale des babouins de Guinée
Environmental technical assistance provided to the Sabodala Gold Operation (SGO-ENDEAVOUR) for the proper management of issues related to the behavior of Guinea baboons on the production plant site (approximately 700 individuals).
Dans un premier temps, un état des lieux a été réalisé au sein de la mine pour caractériser la gestion de la proximité avec les familles de babouins (tri et gestion des déchets alimentaires, évolution des effectifs au dortoir, état de la cohabitation babouins – personnel SGO et babouins – populations locales). Puis, une analyse comportementale des babouins de Guinée a ensuite été réalisée. En plus de l’analyse scientifique, des enquêtes de terrain et des entretiens ont été menés, donnant lieu à un ensemble de recommandations pour la mise en œuvre d’un plan d’action opérationnel, avec plusieurs scénarios concernant notamment la gestion ou le déplacement du dortoir principal des babouins aux abords de la mine.
Finally, training in wildlife counting methods was provided to SGO's environmental teams (classroom training on ecological monitoring and animal population counting methods, practical exercise in situ over several days to count the Baboon population in the main dormitory, and counting by age class and sex).
Design and launch of the Action Plan for Biodiversity Management on the Boto concession site (IAMGOLD BOTO S.A). This action plan focuses on the conservation of the West African chimpanzee species (Pan troglodytes verus), the only species that induces the notion of critical habitat with regard to the SFI performance standards followed by the mining company.
Une autre attention particulière a été portée sur la présence d’hippopotame amphibie sur les bords de la rivière Falémé. Ce plan d’action a été conçu dans sa globalité sur 25 ans (révision tous les 5 ans). Il intègre l’ensemble des axes d’intervention et conditions à la bonne conservation des espèces et de leurs habitats, avec les notions d’information / sensibilisation /protection / aménagement / contrôle / développement économique et inclusion communautaire / révision de la gouvernance locale et de l’engagement des parties prenantes. Un volet reforestation / reboisement a été développé pour assurer la continuité écologique des milieux critiques. La zone de conservation a été définie et cartographiée conformément aux différents niveaux d’efforts à fournir au regard des habitats concernés.
The implementation was initiated by the presentation and validation of the plan by the communities and stakeholders involved, in order to launch the process of classification of the forest space to be conserved.
Stratégie de développement communautaire
Studies corresponding to the three different components necessary for the dynamization and involvement of the local, even regional, socio-economic system, throughout the duration of the mining operation of the company IAMGOLD BOTO S.A., in order to leave a lasting legacy at the end of the project.
This study consisted of:
– Consolider la Stratégie de Développement communautaire sur le long terme
– Étudier la faisabilité (scoping study) du programme de développement économique local
– Réaliser l’étude de développement des infrastructures urbaines dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie d’amélioration de l’offre de logement disponibles dans la région pour les employés
– Élaborer la stratégie d’investissement sur le long terme par l’identification des leviers financiers pour la mise en œuvre des différents plans et stratégies d’aménagement des infrastructures ou d’accompagnement / renforcement de l’organisation locale.
Programme de suivi génétique des groupes de chimpanzés de Massawa
Carried out a genetic monitoring mission of West African chimpanzee communities frequenting the Sofia and Yassé sites, on the Massawa gold mining concession, in southeastern Senegal. This mission included the collection of faeces in the field, the drafting of the conservation protocol, the realization of laboratory analyses to identify individuals, the analysis of the spatial occupation of the territory of the groups, the genetic links between these groups and the comparison with the results of the first genetic study, in order to define adapted monitoring and compensation programs.
Etude sociale et environnementale d’un projet potentiel de conservation marine
Within the framework of a project submitted for funding by the Blue Action Fund, Oryx was mobilized to carry out a study of the social and environmental impacts that could be caused by the project within the Marine Protected Areas of the Sine Saloum and Casamance regions, and to propose an impact mitigation plan as well as a monitoring and evaluation plan. This study, based on the Blue Action Fund's evaluation criteria, was intended to participate in the selection process of candidates who responded to the donor's call for projects.
Design and launch of the Action Plan for Biodiversity Management on the Massawa concession site (SGO-ENDEAVOUR). This action plan focuses on the conservation of the West African chimpanzee species (Pan troglodytes verus), the only species that qualifies as critical habitat under the SFI performance standards followed by the mining company. The action plan was designed to cover a 25-year period (revised every 5 years). It integrates all of the intervention axes and conditions for the proper conservation of species and their habitats, with the notions of information / awareness / protection / development / control / economic development and community inclusion / review of local governance / stakeholder engagement. A reforestation/reforestation component was developed to ensure the ecological continuity of critical environments. The conservation area was defined and mapped according to the different levels of effort required for the habitats concerned.
Plan to restore the means of subsistence
Clarify the opportunities, operational implications and commitments required to effectively and sustainably restore the livelihoods of people affected by the "priority" bus network Project (PAP) in Dakar, benefiting in particular from improved infrastructure and dedicated workshop-depots.
Comprehensive study of biodiversity
Boya SA asked ORYX to identify potential gaps in the environmental studies carried out in accordance with the Equator Principles version 4 (EP4) and the IFC Performance Standards, focusing on Performance Standard 6 (PS6), which defines the notion of "critical habitat" and the requirements for biodiversity conservation. ORYX was then mobilized to upgrade the site's biodiversity surveys, inventories and management plan, focusing on large mammals, herpetology, ornithology, the aquatic environment and macro-invertebrates. The site was surveyed during both dry and wet seasons.
ORYX a ensuite été mobilisé pour la mise à niveau des études, des inventaires et du plan de gestion de la biodiversité du site, focalisé sur les grands mammifères, l’herpétologie, l’ornithologie, le milieu aquatique et macro-invertébrés. Le site a été investigué durant les deux saisons, sèche et humide.
Environmental and social pre-feasibility study to calculate the positive impact generated by the collection of floating waste in the marine and coastal environment, with a view to its recycling in a factory on the Dakar coast. Analysis of the currentology of the Senegalese coasts and of the evolution of waste in the marine environment, analysis of the social and socio-economic dynamics in order to identify the levers of inclusion of the populations.
Potential marine conversation project
Environmental and social assessment of a project to advance marine conservation and support sustainable livelihoods on the Atlantic coast of Africa in 16 Marine Protected Areas in Senegal.
Study of bird and chiropteran mortality
Weekly mortality monitoring of wind turbines to estimate bird and chiroptera mortality. Transects to monitor mortality at two wind turbines. Estimation of the effectiveness of corpse detection.
Cadre de Gestion Environnementale et Sociale
Cadre de Gestion Environnementale et Sociale (CGES)de la deuxième phase du projet Tiers-Sud — AFD— 07/2023 à 10/2023
CGES permettant de présenter une évaluation environnementale et sociale préliminaire de l’ensemble du programme Tiers Sud — Bey Daare dans les régions de Kolda, Kédougou, Tambacounda au Sénégal. Fournir les dispositions et la procédure de gestion environnementale et sociale en vue de se conformer aux législations nationales et politiques internationales.
Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Framework
Provide guidelines to ensure that all environmental and social risks likely to impact the successful implementation of PROMOGEF (human rights and land rights) are taken into account.
Pre-feasibility study of the marine waste sector
Environmental and social pre-feasibility study to calculate the positive impact generated by the collection of floating waste in the marine and coastal environment, with a view to recycling it in a plant on the Dakar coast. Analysis of the currentology of Senegal's coasts and the behavior of waste in the marine environment, analysis of social and socio-economic dynamics to identify the levers for inclusion of populations.
Evaluation of the program to promote rice-growing partnership
Evaluation of the program to promote rice-growing partnership in the Senegal River Delta - AFD/Hydroconseil -10/2022 to 07/2023
Evaluation and assessment of new mechanisms (advantages, difficulties, risks) and their potential replicability (generalization and scaling-up). The results of the evaluation (findings and recommendations) will be used to implement future projects and programs, including the DELTA program (Local Economic Development and Agroecological Transition Program).
Biodiversity Action Plan
Overall design of a Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP), a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) and a genetic monitoring program for great primates on the Massawa gold project concession (SGO-ENDEAVOUR) in Senegal.
Study of the pineapple market and pineapple transport conditions
Study of the pineapple market and pineapple transport conditions - ENABEL/SalvaTerra - Guinée -11/2020 to 04/2021
Completion of a pineapple market study, including the development of qualitative data collection tools, a description of pineapple demand in Senegal and its potential future evolution, a description of the supply chains of the main Senegalese markets for pineapple from Guinea, the participative development, with Guinean stakeholders, of a medium-term strategy (3 to 5 years) and a detailed short-term action plan (2 years).
Puranawella Fishing Port Expansion Project
Review of the environmental component (physical and biological environment) of the ESIA and ESMP of the Puranawella fishing port development/expansion project, via the construction of a landing/embarkation dike. Analysis of the initial conditions, impacts, mitigation and compensation measures. Formulation of intervention proposals/recommendations for an upgrade to BM standards of the study.
Puranawella Fishing Port Expansion Project
Revision of the environmental component (physical and biological environment) of the ESIA and ESMP for the Puranawella fishing port development/extension project, via the construction of a production landing/embarkation breakwater.
Due Diligence photovoltaic project
Environmental due diligence (biodiversity, physical environment and health and safety) for the Lamadji and Gassi photovoltaic station projects on the outskirts of Ndjamena. Reviews of hydrological and flood studies, health and safety plans, ESIA and ESMP 2018 and 2023 upgrades, meeting with lenders and client, RedFlag report (IFC NP1, NP3, NP4 and NP6), final Due Diligence report.
Projet de barrage hydroélectrique de Sarakawa
Réalisation des missions de définition de l’état initial biodiversité et milieu physique en saison des pluies et en saison sèche, production de l’analyse de risques et de la composante santé-sécurité de l’EIES, production du PGES et du plan de suivi.
Desalination plant project in Lomé
Environmental and social impact study of the desalination plant project in the suburbs of Lomé, including pipelines and power line. Scoping, field inventories of the biological and physical environment for the terrestrial and marine components of the study, impact analysis, mitigation measures (ESMP) and monitoring plan - International standards.
Tbaga wind farm project
Completion of a mission to upgrade the ESIA and ESMP of the Tbaga wind power project, financed by AFD for the Sté Tunisienne d'Électricité