Our sectors of activity
Biodiversity and the sustainability of the natural environment are the basis of countless ecosystem services that ensure human existence. Our future depends on taking them into account. Oryx Expertise actively participates in conservation dynamics by assisting its clients in the realization of studies reconciling development needs and environmental preservation, from the acquisition of basic biodiversity data to long-term monitoring.
Fauna and flora inventories, population monitoring, and conservation programs are at the heart of our interventions, allowing us to carry out Environmental and Social Impact studies, as well as environmental management programs necessary for the integration of our clients' development projects.
Our jobs
Environmental Conservation:
- Monitoring of species at risk (including great apes)
- Implementation of long-term conservation projects
- Compliance with international standards
- Implementation of compensation programs
Impact studies :
- Realization of biodiversity inventories
- Ecological monitoring, monitoring of fauna/flora populations
- Design of Environmental and Social Management/Action Plans
- Ecosystem services and ecological continuity analysis
- Critical habitat analysis

Oryx Expertise is also mobilized for the inclusive conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems in France:
- Environmental studies
- Analysis of ecological continuities (green, blue and black corridors)
- Natura 2000 impacts
- Invasive Species Management Program
- Design and implementation of compensation measures (i.e. wetlands)

The improvement of the living conditions of communities, the economic valorisation of spaces, and the deployment of good practices are essential conditions for all interventions in rural areas. Thanks to its long experience in development aid, Oryx Expertise has been able to diversify and today accompanies populations in the revitalization of income-generating activities and the revitalization of means of subsistence adapted to the habits and customs and the social ecosystem.
Our approach in the field and our proximity to the populations allow us to identify the lines of a clear and totally transparent communication, supported by simple and understandable tools, and thus limiting the risk of conflicts or tensions related to the activities we follow.
Our jobs
Studies and pilot projects:
- Boosting income-generating activities
- Revitalization of appropriate livelihoods
- Integration of existing specific activities of artisanal gold panning, agriculture, livestock, hunting, trade and crafts, etc...
Long-term community development strategies:
- Enhancement of rural areas to guarantee the agrosilvopastoral balance
- Limit the risk of conflicts and tensions
- Impulse of a sustainable, collective and participative dynamic

On a global scale, land management is at the heart of conflicts in rural areas. Such conflicts can be the cause of significant tensions between communities and an external operator. It is by understanding, anticipating and defining specific actions that we can limit the impact of developments and thus manage the risk of possible conflicts.
Upstream of each project, we carry out studies on rural land and assist our clients in setting up appropriate Relocation Action Plans and policies for managing complaints and claims related to possible population displacements.
Our jobs
Land studies:
- Analysis of the rules and tools of localized land management
- Controlling the dynamics of decentralization

Surface and groundwater management is a prerequisite for the efficient development of rural areas and production activities.
Agriculture, pastoralism, valorisation of ecosystem services, etc... All of them are conditioned by a perfect control of water and land. Our expertise in these fields allows us to accompany our clients until the operational, efficient and sustainable implementation of pilot projects or economic development programs related to income generating activities in the rural world.
Our interventions range from the development of water points to agronomic enhancement, including the design of transfer and storage infrastructures.
Our jobs
Integrated natural resource management plan, whether it be:
- Surface water resources for agricultural use
- Land resources for pastoral use
- Forest resources for the valorisation of wood and non-wood forest products